How to Pass the Quiz

Passing the quiz is needed in order to be issued a completion certificate and considered having completed the course. This is a requirement of the PRC and we are required to submit the questions for approval of the course. You need to score 80% to pass.

On average 20% of the quiz takers pass it on one take. 60% pass it in two to three takes and around 20% pass it in more than 3 takes or fail to pass it altogether. If you fail to pass it in three takes, email us at support@phcpdonline.com and ask for assistance. Please indicate the quiz you are taking. We do like you to pass all the quizzes and would be more than willing to help.

That said, there are a few steps you can take to pass the course more easily. First, make sure you finish the lecture first before attempting the quiz. You would be surprised how many will attempt the quizzes before listening to the lecture. We know because all activities are time stamped and logged. We were actually tempted to program the system to present the quiz only after all the lectures have been played, but decided not to. Yet.

Second, all the answers are in the lecture. Remember, you are allowed to save the quiz and replay the lectures to find the answer. The best way to do this is open the quiz on one tab and the lecture on another and check your answer if it’s correct. Determine the general topic the question is asking and open the accompanying lecture. Tip, it’s usually in the slide.

Third, there is nothing to prevent you from googling the answer, although not all answers can be googled.

And lastly, don't forget to update your PRC name and ID number as that is what would appear in your completion certificate. The certificates are system generated, that is why it can be issued very fast. If we have to issue them manually it will take days to weeks. So make sure you do it right the first time.

The quizzes are not impossible to pass. There are people who pass them in one take. And there are people who ace (100%) them in one take. People who pass one quiz in one take may have problem passing other quizzes within three takes. So if you can’t pass them immediately you are not alone and it’s completely doable. And remember contact us if you need help.


Mike Nicol Uy, MD graduated from UP College of Medicine in 1989. He belongs to the first batch of INTARMED class '89. After graduation he co-founded and ran a chain of clinical laboratories which employed over 100 health care professionals. In 2006 and 2007, he sat for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and aced Step 1 with a score of 256 and Step 2 CK with a score of 258. He also passed Step 3 with a score of 219. He then founded an online review center that helped International Medical Graduates pass and even ace the USMLE Steps. At present, he still runs Askdoc-UMLE.com and is founder of Philippine CPD Online.

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